
When you are talking about cheese you are talking about a fairly easy to digest food for most people unless the person is lactose intolerant. It is a food rich in protein, fat, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. With all of these nutrients in cheese it does perform some beneficial things for the body and it is a creamy dairy product too. It has been suggested that some cheeses can actually help reduce tooth decay. For example, actually chewing the product may increase the calcium in the tooth plaque. The increased calcium in tooth plaque is what protects against cavities. So this calcium actually helps keep teeth healthy.

There are other thoughts in this regard too. As you eat cheese or chew it the saliva in the mouth increases. The increased saliva helps cleanse the mouth of excess foods that may catch or stay on the teeth which until brushed out can cause tooth decay. The cheeses that generally fall in the tooth decay prevention category are those that have a slightly harder texture and generally fall into the semi hard or semi firm cheese type. This includes cheddar, mozzarella, Swiss and American.

In general any acidic food will increase saliva in the mouth such as celery, carrots and apples. Also eating the product after you eat sweets helps combat the sugars in the mouth as the increased saliva washes them down the throat. It also has a very high content of Vitamin C which will help against gun disease and it may kill any bacterium that makes the breath smell bad. It is believed that lactic acid may decrease gun disease so this means by chewing or eating a piece of cheddar you are also eating a form of lactic acid.

Within a piece of cheddar or Swiss you will find there website is a very high Vitamin A content. It is also rich in calcium which helps keep the teeth healthy thus leading to reduced tooth cavities. It also contains fat, salt, protein, phosphorus and lots of potassium. So if you missed your daily banana you can substitute a piece of cheddar for you daily potassium. It will also contain a small amount of iron, zinc and a few others. Along with the high amount of Vitamin A it has small amounts of E, K B6, B12, riboflavin, Betaine and Folate. It is really amazing what that piece of cheddar has in it.

